“Being Sacred” Sept. 5–8, 2019

WOMEN’S CONTEMPLATIVE RETREAT at St. Benedict’s Monastery, with author Sandra Dorr & yoga teacher Susan Crosby

Photo courtesy of St. Benedict’s Monastery

Come on a four-day retreat in the quiet of autumn to renew yourself, in a serene monastery at 8,000 ft. which always offers the emptiness and peace for us to find our own sacredness. All levels of writers, yogis, and artists are welcome to four days of deep, magical work and much laughter. This is our tenth St. Benedict’s retreat.

Morning group sessions with Sandy, with optional exercises, discussing women’s literature, craft talks, read-arounds and discovering what moves you in your own work and others. Afternoons to write, make art, have an individual conference, rest or explore 400 acres of monastery grounds. Evenings to read to the group, play, sing, or attend vespers. You may also meet with one of the monks, or attend an unusual community Sunday mass.

Early morning yoga sessions with the gentle, radiant Susan Crosby. This year, she’ll also lead an Ayurvedic self-care session, learning foot massages, oils and foods for health, skin and hair care.

High-quality food and retreat lodging, either in hermitages or main guest house (see www.stbenedictsretreat.com).

COST (full retreat, lodging, meals): $435.
($150 deposit to reserve room or $155 on Paypal.me/sandydorr)

Early Bird $415 (full payment by 7/31).  Commuters $285.

Registration: Download this form, fill out and mail to Sandra Dorr, 215 Alcove Drive, G.J., CO 81507 OR scan the form and email to sandydorr@bresnan.net.
Final registration & deposit due by 8/28/19.
Questions? Email sandydorr@bresnan.net, or call 970.433-6800. Namaste. We hope you can come.